Thoughts. Ramblings. Heavy-hipped. Mango-obsessed.

Which Came First?: the McChicken or Egg McMuffin?

Please send your answers in
to the white-faced wollygog
with the Revlon-red lipstick
and manic-depressive smile

who's probably a closet vegan

and a loving father
of two beautiful

pet poodles.

So, if ya think you know the answer

'cos you've got a 2:1 degree,

or you can spell 'brie',

or you've been playing the piano
since you were 3 months,

please send a postcard to:

Old McDonald Didn't Have A Farm
P.O. Box 666
E492 99p

(p.s. I've come to the conclusion that James Blunt sounds like he's being asphyxiated more times than I can bear. From now on, I think I'll just stick to reading his lyrics. Sorry, James - you seem nice & all but...)

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